October 26, 2015

RYDER turns 5 and we go to Camp Kudzu!

Ryder tuned five on the 22nd! It is kind of hard to believe, but it seems like he has always just been part of our family from the beginning.  I got to make smoothies with his class for his special day.  He requested a movie, so we all went to see "Pan" for his birthday night.  We came home for chocolate cake (reminds me of Papaw) and off to camp the next day.  

Ryder, you are a special old soul that I never knew my heart needed.  Happy 5th to you my brave boy!!
I love you more than the sun, moon, and whole wide world!!

Hadley was student of the week at school.  Joy, the stuffed monkey, was part of the Pitt Pack this past weekend.  We have lots of pictures and journal topics about Joy and Hadley's adventures during the weekend!!

Our favorite camp spot-Arts and crafts Shrinky Dink station.

late night shenanigans!!

Ryder met a great friend. 

Daddy's picture of a interesting mushroom.

1 comment:

Grandpa Pitt said...

The Lord works in strange and mysterious ways to enhance our lives. Ryder is a blessing beyond measure, not because of his handicap, but in spite of it. He is a remarkable child who I believe will grow into a man of great character and strength. He is truly a blessing from God to our family and the people that he will touch over the years to come. In the mean time let us just enjoy the child for who Ryder is and how he relates to his sisters. They are all so close, and that is the design of their parents. Well done....so far....Ellie and Trevor Scott.